
Environmental Services Provided:


Custom Stack Analysis, LLC., can provide services including filing of intent-to-test notifications, coordination and design of testing, evaluation and result reporting of source emissions .

Custom Stack Analysis, LLC. testing teams provide professional results including port placement and installation according to EPA Methods, assembly of scaffolding to access locations, along with equipped CEM trailers.

Custom Stack Analysis, LLC. provides air compliance testing for industrial, commercial and government agencies.

Custom Stack Analysis, LLC. provides flare performance testing for various landfills to meet NSPS Subpart A.

Custom Stack Analysis, LLC. provides turbine emissions mapping for various large utilities. These services have been performed in the Unites States, Canada and Internationally.

Custom Stack Analysis, LLC. can provide refineries with implementation and oversight of complying with the Clean Air Act Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) program to control fugitive emissions from valves, pumps, compressors, pressure relief valves, flanges, connectors and other piping components.


Following is a partial list of the Methods and testing Custom Stack Analysis, LLC. can perform:


Following is a partial list of sources Custom Stack Analysis, LLC. has tested:


  • Ohio Main Office
    P.O. Box 3750
    Alliance, Ohio 44601
    Phone: (330) 525-5119
    Fax: (330) 525-7908
  • New York
    620 Park Avenue Suite 333
    Rochester, NY. 14607
    Phone: (585) 442-1840
    Fax: (585) 486-1458
  • Illinios
    47 Polk Street Suite 156
    Chicago, IL. 60605
    Phone: (312) 427-9394
  • South Carolina
    701 Gervais Street Suite 156
    Columbia, SC. 29201
    Phone: (803) 451-0516
  • Puerto Rico
    Metro Office Park #3
    Street 1, Lot 3,
    Suite 108/231
    Guaynabo, PR 00968
    Phone: 787-303-0332
  • Gulf Coast Countries
    Custom Stack Analysis, LLC.
    /Hi-Tech Consulting
    & Construction, Inc. Group
    Sulaimaniya, Abdullah Bin Rawaba St.
    P.O. Box 250677
    Riyadh, 11391, K.S.A.
    Phone: 966 1 288 4974
    Fax: 966 1 288 4979